
Jul 31, 20203 min

How are you weathering the storm of the Pandemic?

Matthew 14:24-36 is one of my favourite stories in the bible and the Holy Spirit ministered this to me afresh today. As I read it, I knew God was speaking a word in season about the storms you are facing.

To recount the story, Jesus had gone away to pray, the disciples had gotten into a boat to cross to the other side and a boisterous wind arose. Jesus came along, walking on water and they were afraid thinking He was a ghost. But Jesus quickly reassured them it was Him and they needn’t be afraid.

This scripture speaks to the storms many are experiencing and battling in this season. This could either be stress and the uncertainty due to the global pandemic and not knowing what the future holds. It could be due to the loss of a loved one, a job and having to grapple with the restrictions of the new norm. The storms encountered are different for everyone.

In Matthew, the disciples and Jesus, had an assignment on the other side of the sea. This assignment involved going to minister to people who have been waiting to be delivered from their infirmities, bondages and to hear the Word of life that will open the door to eternal life spent with Him.

However on their way to this assignment, the enemy comes in to discourage, distract and hinder them. But an amazing thing happened, in the mist of the storm and the boisterous winds, Peter decides he wants to operate in the supernatural - just like Jesus - by walking on water! And he does for a second. But as soon as he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm instead, he began to sink. But Jesus his life line, was there to catch him.

When Jesus got in the boat, the storm ceased immediately. The other disciples in the boat came to worship Him saying ‘You truly are the Son of God.’ So this storm opened the eyes of the disciples to who Jesus truly was, the Son of God, the God of the miraculous.

As I continue to grow in the Lord, I too have begun to view storms of life as an opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ in a fresh new way. It’s when we lose our jobs that we know Jesus as our provider, when we are sick, we know Him as our healer. When we lose a loved one, Jesus is there to comfort and uphold us.

The key is to keep our eyes on Jesus, and when we do, we will experience and do the supernatural by walking on water even in the mist of our storms. Why? Because Jesus is right here with you. And even if you do take your eyes off him for a second and begin to sink, He’s your life line, ready to catch you.

In John 6:16-21’s version is of the story, verse 21 states the disciples willingly received Jesus into the boat. The Greek rendition of the word received is lambano and translations includes: To receive what is offered, to receive a person, give him access to one’s self and not to refuse or reject.

The Greek translations are instructive because it implies intentionality on our part. Sometimes, when facing a storm, Jesus is our last resort instead of giving Him first place by claiming, inviting and receiving Him into our boat. When you do this, casting your cares upon Him because He cares for you, we will see Him work the miraculous!

I pray this will speak to your situation. Despite how boisterous the storms in your life are raging, know that this is only for a season, what the enemy meant for evil God will turn around for your good. Believe that God is always with you and will never forsake you and He bring you through to the other side victorious with a bigger revelation of who He is!

